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Referenser - Att möta och bemöta regnbågsfamiljer

  1. Malmquist, Anna & Zetterqvist Nelson, Karin. Gay and lesbian parents. Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies, Heather Montgomery (red.), Oxford University Press. 2013;
  2. Malmquist, Anna. Pride and prejudice: Lesbian families in contemporary Sweden. Doktorsavhandling, Linköpings universitet, 2015
  3. Anderssen, Norman, Amlie, Christine, & Ytterøy, André. Outcomes for children with lesbian or gay parents. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 2002;43(2):335–351.
  4. Biblarz, Timothy & Stacey, Judith. How does the gender of parents matter?. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2010;72:3-22.
  5. Bos, Henny & van Balen, Frank. Children of new reproductive techonogies: Social and genetic parenthood. Patient Education and Counseling. 2010;81(3):429–435.
  6. Gartrell, Nanette & Bos, Henny. US National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: Psychological adjustment of 17-year-old adolescents. Pediatrics. 2010;126(1):28-36.
  7. Rozental, Alexander & Malmquist, Anna. Vulnerability and acceptance: Lesbian women's family making through assisted reproduction in Swedish public healthcare. Journal of GLBT Family Studies. 2015;11(2):127-150.
  8. Rozental, Alexander. Möjligheter och förbehåll: En diskursanalytisk studie av lesbiska kvinnors erfarenheter av att bilda familj genom assisterad befruktning inom svensk sjukvård. Psykologexamensuppsats. Linköpings universitet, 2011
  9. Malmquist, Anna & Zetterqvist Nelson, Karin. Efforts to maintain a 'just great' story: Lesbian parents' talk about encounters with professionals in fertility clinics and maternal and child health care services. Feminism & Psychology. 2014;24(1):56-73.
  10. Polski, Anna. Ingen av betydelse: Mödrar från samkönad familjebildning talar om spermadonatorn. Psykologexamensuppsats. Lunds universitet, 2013
  11. Malmquist, Anna. A crucial but strenuous process: Female same-sex couples' reflections on second-parent adoption. Journal of GLBT Family Studies. 2015;11(4):351-374.
  12. Dempsey, Deborah. More like a donor or more like a father? Gay men's concepts of relatedness to children. Sexualities. 2012;15(2):156-174.
  13. Donovan, Catherine. Who needs a father? Negotiating biological fatherhood in British lesbian families using self-insemination. Sexualities. 2000;3(2):149-164.
  14. Dunne, Gillian. Opting into motherhood. Lesbians blurring the boundaries and transforming the meaning of parenthood and kinship. Gender & Society. 2000;14(1):11-35.
  15. Malmquist, Anna. Women in lesbian relations: Construing equal or unequal parental roles?. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 2015;39(2):256-267.
  16. Patersson, Charlotte, Sutfin, Erin & Fulcher, Megan. Division of labor among lesbian and heterosexual parenting couples: Correlates of specialized versus shared patterns. Journal of Adult Development; 2004. 11(3): 179-189.
  17. Zetterqvist Nelson, Karin. Att vara pappa i homofamiljer: Berättelser om barn, mammor och familjeliv. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. 2006;1:67-87.
  18. Zetterqvist Nelson, Karin.. Mot alla odds: Regnbågsföräldrars berättelser om att bilda familj och få barn. Stockholm: Liber; 2007.
  19. Greenfeld, Dorothy & Seli, Emre. Gay men choosing parenthood through assisted reproduction: Medical and psychosocial considerations. Fertility and Sterility. 2011;95(1):225-229.
  20. Lewin, Ellen. Gay Fatherhood: Narratives of family and citizenship in Americ. The University of Chicago Press,. 2009;
  21. Stacey, Judith. Gay parenthood and the decline of paternity as we knew it. Sexualities. 2005;9(1):27-55.
  22. Bos, Henny. Planned gay father families in kinship arrangements. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy. 2010;31(4):356–371.
  23. Dempsey, Deborah. Conceiving and negotiating reproductive relationships: Lesbians and gay men forming families with children. Sociology. 2010;44(6):1145–1162.
  24. Ryan-Flood, Róisín. Lesbian motherhood: Gender, families and sexual citizenship, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
  25. Malmquist, Anna, Hydén, Margareta & Zetterqvist Nelson, Karin. Familjeliv hos samkönade par och andra regnbågsfamiljer. I Nätverksfamiljen, Margareta Bäck-Wikström & Thomas Johansson (red.). Stockholm: Natur och Kultur; 2012.
  26. Lapidus, June. All the lesbian mothers are coupled, all the single mothers are straight, and all of us are tired: Reflections on being a single lesbian mom. Feminist Economics. 2004;10(2):227-236.
  27. Beatie, Thomas. Labor of love, Avalon Publishing Group
  28. SFS 1972:119 Svensk författningssamling. Lag om fastställande av könstillhörighet i vissa fall.
  29. Bremer, Signe. Kroppslinjer: Kön, transsexualism och kropp i berättelser om könskorrigering. Makadam Förlag; 2011.
  30. Wierckx, Katrien, van Caenegem, Eva, Pennings, Guido, Elaut, Els, Dedecker, David, van de Peer, Fleur, Weyers, Steven, de Sutter, Petra & T'Sjoen, Guy. Reproductive wish in transsexual men. Human Reproduction. 2012;27(2):483-487.
  31. Andersson, Gunnar, Noack, Turid, Seierstad & Weedon-Fekjær, Harlad. The demographics of same-sex "marriages" in Norway and Sweden. MPIDR Working paper, WP 2004-018. Max-Plank-Institut für Demografische Forschlung, 2004
  32. Möllerstrand, Anna & Wikström, Maria. En familj är att man är bra ihop: En diskursanalytisk studie av regnbågsbarns prat om familj och tillblivelse. Psykologexamensuppsats. Linköpings universitet, 2011
  33. Röndahl, Gerd, Bruhner, Elisabeth & Lindhe, Jenny. Heteronormative communication with lesbian families in antenatal care, childbirth and postnatal care. Advanced Nursing. 2009;65(11):2337-2344.
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