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Referenser - Skärmvanor för barn 0-6 år

  1. Canadian Paediatric Society, Digital Health Task Force, Ottawa, Ontario. (2017). Screen time and young children: Promoting health and development in a digital world. Paediatrics & Child Health, 22(8):461-477.
  2. Ofcom. (2016). Children and parents: media use and attitudes report.
  3. Beyens, I. & Beullens, K. (2017). Parent–child conflict about children’s tablet use: The role of parental mediation. New Media & Society, 19 (12), 2075 - 2093.
  4. Statens Medieråd. Småungar och medier. Fakta om små barns användning och upplevelser av medier. 2015;
  5. Zack E, Gerhardstein P, Meltzoff AN, Barr R. (2013). 15-month-olds’ transfer of learning between touch screen and real-world displays: language cues and cognitive loads. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54(1):20–25.
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  7. Stiglic N, Viner RM. (2019). Effects of screen time on the health and well-being of children and adolescents: a systematic review of reviews. BMJ Open; 9:e 023191.
  8. Linebarger DN Brey E, Fenstermacher S, Barr R. (2017). What Makes Preschool Educational Television Educational? A Content Analysis of Literacy, Language-Promoting, and Prosocial Preschool Programming.  In R. Barr & DN Linebarger (Eds.). Media Exposure During Infancy and Early Childhood: The Effect of Content and Context on Learning and Development, pp 97-134. New York, NY: Springer.
  9. Vaala S, Linebarger DL, Fenstermacher S, Tedone A, Brey E, Barr R, Moses A, Shwery C, Calvert S. (2010). Content analysis of language-promoting teaching strategies used in infant directed media? Infant and Child Development 19, 628-648, Doi: 10.1002/icd.715.  
  10. Barr R. (2013). Memory constraints on infant learning from picture books, television, and touchscreens. Child Development Perspectives, 7, 205–210.
  11. Duch H, Fisher EM, Ensari I, Harrington A. Screen time use in children under 3 years old: a systematic review of correlates. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2013;10:102:
  12. Certain LK, Kahn RS. Prevalence, correlates, and trajectory of television viewing among infants and toddlers. Pediatrics. 2002;109(4):634-642.
  13. Dennison BA, Erb TA, Jenkins PL. Television viewing and television in bedroom associated with overweight risk among low-income preschool children. Pediatrics. 2002;109(6):1028-1035.
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  22. Maher COT, Eisenmann JC, Dollman J. Screen time is more strongly assciated than physical activity with overwight and obesity in 9- to 16-year-old Australiens. Acta Paediatr. 2012;101:1170-4.
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  27. Keane E, Kelly C, Molcho M, Nic Gabhainn S. (2017). Physical activity, screen time and the risk of subjective health complaints in school-aged children. Preventive Medicine, 96, 21-27.
  28. Chang AM, Aeschbach D, Duffy JF, Czeisler CA. Evening use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep, circadian timing, and next-morning alertness. PNAS. 2015;112(4): 1232–1237.
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  30. Vijakkhana N, Wilaisakditipakorn T, Ruedeekhajorn K, Pruksananonda C, Chonchaiya W. Evening media exposure reduces night-time sleep. Acta Paediatr. 2015;104(3):306-12.
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