• Du har valt: Västra Götaland

Referenser - Matintroduktion

  1. EFSA. Scientific Opinion on the appropriate age for introduction of complementary feeding of infants. EFSA Journal. 2009;7:1423.
  2. Hörnell et al.. Amning och tillvänjning till fast föda för friska fullgångna barn. Läkartidningen nr 8 vol. 2013;8:110:
  3. Fewtrell M, Bronsky J, Campoy C, Domellöf M, Embleton N, Fidler M, Nataša H, Iva H, Jessie M, Indrio F, Lapillonne A, Molgaard C. Complementary Feeding: A Position Paper by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition: January 2017 - Volume 64 - Issue 1 - p 119-132 doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000001454
  4. Braegger C, Campoy C, Colomb V, Decsi T, Domellöf M, Fewtrell M, et al. On Behalf of the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. Vitamin D in the Healthy European Paediatric Population. JPGN. 2013;56(6):694-701.
  5. Hörnell A, Lagström H, Lande B, Thorsdottir I. Breastfeeding, introduction of other foods and effects on health: a systematic literature review for the 5th Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. Food & Nutrition Research. 2013;12:57:
  6. Johansson U, Lindberg L, Öhlund I, Hernell O, Lönnerdahl B, Lundén S, Sandell M, Lind T. Acceptance of a Nordic, Protein-Reduced Diet, for Young Children during Complementary Feeding – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Foods 2021, 10, 275. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10020275
  7. Arantes ALAE, Neves FS, Campos AAL, Pereira Netto M. The baby-led weaning method (BLW) in the context of complementary feeding: a review. Método baby-led weaning (BLW) no contexto da alimentação complementar: uma revisão. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2018;36(3):353-363. doi:10.1590/1984-0462/;2018;36;3;00001
  8. Szajewska H, Shamir R, Mearin L, Ribes-Koninckx C, Catassi C, Domellöf M, et al.. Gluten Introduction and the Risk of Coeliac Disease: A Position Paper by the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. JPGN. 2016;62(3):507-513.
  9. Livemedelsverket, L 2020 nr 26 - Råd och information om intag av gluten
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