• Du har valt: Sörmland

Referenser - Child health services

  1. National Board of Health and Welfare, NBHW (2014) Vägledning för barnhälsovården. (In Swedish) English translation by the author: Guideline for child healthcare]. Stockholm: National Board of Health and Welfare
  2. Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. (2017). Barn och ungas hälsa i Sverige. En beskrivning av nuläget. [In Swedish. English translation by the author: Children and adolescents health in Sweden. A description of the current situation]. Stockholm:
  3. Government bill. 2017/2018:249. God och jämlik hälsa – en utvecklad folkhälsopolitik (2018). [In Swedish. English translation by the author: A good and equal health- developed public health policy].
  4. Rikshandboken i Barnhälsovård. [RHB].(2018). Barnhälsovårdens nationella program [In Swedish. English translation by the author: The national child health care program].
  5. Oberklaid, F., & Drever, K. Is my child normal? Milestones and red flags for referral. Australian Family Physician. 2011; 40(9):666–670.
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