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Referenser - Utvecklingsrelaterade funktionsavvikelser

  1. Bölte S, Mahdi S, de Vries PJ, Granlund M, Robison JE, Shulman C, et al. The Gestalt of functioning in autism spectrum disorder: Results of the international conference to develop final consensus International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health core sets. Autism. 2019;23(2):449-67.
  2. Mahdi S, Ronzano N, Knüppel A, Dias JC, Albdah A, Chien-Ho L, et al. An international clinical study of ability and disability in ADHD using the WHO-ICF framework. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2018:1-15.
  3. Moreno-De-Luca D, Martin CL. All for one and one for all: heterogeneity of genetic etiologies in neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorders. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development. 2021;68:71-8.
  4. Polanczyk GV, Salum GA, Sugaya LS, Caye A, Rohde LA. Annual research review: A meta-analysis of the worldwide prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines. 2015;56(3):345-65.
  5. Thapar A, Cooper M, Rutter M. Neurodevelopmental disorders. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2017;4(4):339-46.
  6. Wåhlstedt C, Thorell LB, Bohlin G. Heterogeneity in ADHD: Neuropsychological pathways, comorbidity and symptom domains. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 2009;37(4):551-64.
  7. Barnevik Olsson M. Autism spectrum disorders - first indicators and school age outcome. Göteborg: Gothenburg university; 2016.
  8. Lipstein EA, Lindly OJ, Anixt JS, Britto MT, Zuckerman KE. Shared Decision Making in the Care of Children with Developmental and Behavioral Disorders. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2016;20(3):665-73.
  9. Waxegård G, Thulesius H. Integrating care for neurodevelopmental disorders by unpacking control: A grounded theory study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 2016;11.
  10. Bölte S, Girdler, S., & Marschik, P. B. The contribution of environmental exposure to the etiology of autism spectrum disorder. . Cellular and molecular life sciences: CMLS 2019;76(7):1275–97.
  11. Sciberras E, Mulraney, M., Silva, D., & Coghill, D. Prenatal Risk Factors and the Etiology of ADHD-Review of Existing Evidence. Current psychiatry reports. 2017;19(1).
  12. Sandin S, Lichtenstein P, Kuja-Halkola R, Larsson H, Hultman CM, Reichenberg A. The familial risk of autism. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association. 2014;311(17):1770-7.
  13. Faraone SV, Larsson H. Genetics of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Molecular Psychiatry. 2019;24(4):562-75.
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  15. Hviid A, Hansen JV, Frisch M, Melbye M. Measles, mumps, rubella vaccination and autism a nationwide cohort study. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2019;170(8):513-20.
  16. DeStefano F, Shimabukuro TT. The MMR Vaccine and Autism. Annual Review of Virology. 2019;6:585-600.
  17. Taylor LE, Swerdfeger AL, Eslick GD. Vaccines are not associated with autism: An evidence-based meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies. Vaccine. 2014;32(29):3623-9.
  18. Waye MMY, Cheng HY. Genetics and epigenetics of autism: A review. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2018;72(4):228-44.
  19. Fuller EA, Oliver K, Vejnoska SF, Rogers SJ. The effects of the early start denver model for children with autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis. Brain Sciences. 2020;10(6):1-20.
  20. Landa RJ. Efficacy of early interventions for infants and young children with, and at risk for, autism spectrum disorders. International Review of Psychiatry. 2018;30(1):25-39.
  21. Fernell E, Eriksson MA, Gillberg C. Early diagnosis of autism and impact on prognosis: A narrative review. Clinical Epidemiology. 2013;5(1):33-43.
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  24. Living in a world of our own: The experience of parents who have a child with autism.
  25. Bölte S, Mahdi S, Coghill D, Gau SSF, Granlund M, Holtmann M, et al. Standardised assessment of functioning in ADHD: consensus on the ICF Core Sets for ADHD. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2018;27(10):1261-81.
  26. Gillberg C,. The ESSENCE in child psychiatry: Early Symtomatic Syndromes Eliciting Neurodevelopmental Clinical Examinations.. Res Dev Disabil. 2010; 31(6):1543-51:
  27. Guthrie W, Swineford LB, Nottke C, Wetherby AM. Early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder: Stability and change in clinical diagnosis and symptom presentation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines. 2013;54(5):582-90.
  28. Mazurek MO, Curran A, Burnette C, Sohl K. ECHO Autism STAT: Accelerating Early Access to Autism Diagnosis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2019;49(1):127-37.
  29. Miller M, Iosif AM, Young GS, Hill MM, Ozonoff S. Early Detection of ADHD: Insights From Infant Siblings of Children With Autism. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 2018;47(5):737-44.
  30. Hyman SL, Levy SE, Myers SM. Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatrics. 2020;145(1).
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  32. Oosterling IJ, Swinkels SH, van der Gaag RJ, Visser JC, Dietz C, Buitelaar JK. Comparative analysis of three screening instruments for autism spectrum disorder in toddlers at high risk. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2009;39(6):897-909.
  33. García-Primo P, Hellendoorn A, Charman T, Roeyers H, Dereu M, Roge B, et al. Screening for autism spectrum disorders: state of the art in Europe. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2014;23(11):1005-21.
  34. Marinopoulou M, Billstedt E, Lin PI, Hallerbäck M, Bornehag CG. Number of words at age 2.5 years is associated with intellectual functioning at age 7 years in the SELMA study. Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics. 2021;110(7):2134-41.
  35. Miniscalco C, Nygren G, Hagberg B, Kadesjö B, Gillberg C. Neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental outcome of children at age 6 and 7 years who screened positive for language problems at 30 months. Dev Med Child Neurol.
  36. Brignell A, May T, Morgan AT, Williams K. Predictors and growth in receptive vocabulary from 4 to 8 years in children with and without autism spectrum disorder: A population-based study. Autism. 2019;23(5):1322-34.
  37. Brignell A, Williams K, Jachno K, Prior M, Reilly S, Morgan AT. Patterns and Predictors of Language Development from 4 to 7 Years in Verbal Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2018;48(10):3282-95.Miniscalo
  38. Kjellmer L, Fernell E, Gillberg C, Norrelgen F. Speech and language profiles in 4-to 6-year-old children with early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability.
  39. Sciberras E, Mueller KL, Efron D, Bisset M, Anderson V, Schilpzand EJ, et al. Language problems in children with ADHD: A community-based study. Pediatrics. 2014;133(5):793-800.
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  43. Reed P, Osborne LA. Reaction to diagnosis and subsequent health in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism. 2019;23(6):1442-8.
  44. Wachtel K, Carter AS. Reaction to diagnosis and parenting styles among mothers of young children with ASDs. Autism. 2008;12(5):575-94.
  45. Van Steijn DJ, Oerlemans AM, Van Aken MAG, Buitelaar JK, Rommelse NNJ. Match or mismatch? Influence of parental and offspring ASD and ADHD symptoms on the parent-child relationship. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2013;43(8):1935-45.
  46. Goedeke S, Shepherd D, Landon J, Taylor S. How perceived support relates to child autism symptoms and care-related stress in parents caring for a child with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2019;60:36-47.
  47. Leitch S, Sciberras E, Post B, Gerner B, Rinehart N, Nicholson JM, et al. Experience of stress in parents of children with ADHD: A qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 2019;14(1).
  48. Roughan LA, Parker JR, Mercer L. Improving interventions for parents of children and young people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in CAMHS. BMJ Open Quality. 2019;8(2).
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