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Referenser - Språkundersökning och screening

    1. Morgan, et al. A systematic review of the literature on early vocalizations and babbling patterns in young children. Communication Disorders Quarterly. 2018;
    2. Fasolo M, Majorano M, D'Odorico L. Babbling and first words in children with slow expressive development. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 2008;22(2):83-94.
    3. Lang, et al. Canonical babbling: A marker for earlier identification of late detected developmental disorders?. Curr Dev Disord Rep. 2019;
    4. Zambrana IM, Ystrom E, Schjølberg S, Pons F. Action Imitation at 1½ Years Is Better Than Pointing Gesture in Predicting Late Development of Language Production at 3 Years of Age. Child development. 2013;84(2):560-73.
    5. Tomas, et al. Behind the Scenes of Developmental Language Disorder: Time to Call Neuropsychology Back on Stage. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 2018;
    6. Johnson, et al. Identification and Evaluation of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Pediatrics. 2007;
    7. Kantzer, et al. Autism in community pre-schoolers: developmental profiles. Res. Dev. Disabil. 2013;
    8. Miniscalco et al. Neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental outcome of children at age 6 and 7 years who screened positive for language problems at 30 months. Dev. Med. Child Neurol. 2006;
    9. Westerlund, et al. Comorbidity in children with severe developmental language disability. Acta Paediatr. 2002;
    10. Nayeb L, Westerlund M. Language assessments at child health services develops positively. More common with evidence-based methods. Lakartidningen. 2014;111(8):334-6.
    11. Mattsson CM, Mårild S, Pehrsson NG. Evaluation of a language-screening programme for 2.5-year-olds at Child Health Centres in Sweden. Acta Paediatr. 2000;89(1):94-100.
    12. Westerlund, et al. Screening for developmental language disability in 3-year-old children. Experiences from a field study in a Swedish municipality, in Child. Care, Health and Development. 2000: England;
    13. Nayeb, et al.. Modifying a language screening tool for three‐year‐old children identified severe language disorders six months earlier. Acta Paediatr. 2019;
    14. Norbury, et al. The impact of nonverbal ability on prevalence and clinical presentation of language disorder: evidence from a population study. J. Child Psychol. 2016;
    15. Norbury, et al. Developmental language disorder: a hidden condition. Adolesc Health. 2024;
    16. Robins, et al. Validation of the modified checklist for Autism in toddlers, revised with follow-up (M-CHAT-R/F). Pediatrics. 2014;
    17. Nygren, et al. The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in toddlers: a population study of 2-year-old Swedish children. Autism Dev. Disord. 2012;
    18. Wetherby, et al. Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile. First Normed Edition. 2002;
    19. Fäldt, et al. Nurses’ experiences of screening for communication difficulties at 18 months of age. Acta Paediatr. 2019;
    20. Dahlberg, et al. Implementation of the Infant-Toddler Checklist in Swedish child health services at 18 months: an observational study. BMJ Paediatrics Open. 2024;
    21. Lavesson A, Hansson K. Språkscreening i fyraårsåldern: Nonordsrepetition som klinisk markör. Logopednytt. 2013;
    22. Lavesson, et al. Development of a language screening instrument for Swedish 4‐year‐olds. Int. J. Lang. Commun. Disord. 2018;
    23. Bishop, et al. Language-impaired 4-year-olds: Distinguishing transient from persistent impairment. J. Speech Hear. Disord. 1987;
    24. Dahlén, et al. Assessment fidelity of a language screening instrument for 4-year-olds. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology. 2022;
    25. Lindgren Fändriks, et al. Child health care nurses' experience of language screening for 2.5‐year‐old children: A qualitative study. Nursing open. 2022;
    26. Glascoe. Screening for developmental and behavioral problems. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. Research Reviews. 2005;
    27. Reilly, et al. Creating the conditions for robust early language development for all-Part 1: Evidence-informed child language surveillance in the early years. Disord. 2023;
    28. Tomblin, et al. Prevalence of Specific Language Impairment in Kindergarten Children. J. Speech. Lang. Hear. Res. 1997;
    29. McGregor. How We Fail Children With Developmental Language Disorder. Lang. Speech Hear. Serv. Sch. 2020;
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