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Referenser - Barnets kommunikations- språk- och talutveckling

    1. Socialstyrelsen. Stödja och stimulera kommunikations- och språkutveckling bland barn 0 till 2 år – Ett kunskapsstöd för barnhälsovården.. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen; 2022.
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    20. van Dommelen, P., et al. Key developmental milestones helped to identify children with special educational needs and disabilities at an early stag. Acta Paediatrica. 2023;112(12:p. 2572-2582.
    21. Rudolph, J.M. and L.B. Leonard. Early language milestones and specific language impairment. Journal of Early Intervention. 2016;38(1):p. 41-58.
    22. Lohmander, A., I. Lundeborg, and C. Persson. SVANTE–The Swedish Articulation and Nasality Test–Normative data and a minimum standard set for cross-linguistic comparison. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 2017;31(2): p. 137-154.
    23. Rex, S., et al. Performance of Swedish children on a dynamic motor speech assessment. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 2011;44(6):p. 733-44.
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    25. Law, J., et a. Child Language in a Public Health Context. Melbourne: Centre of Research Excellence in Child Language, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute; 2017.
    26. Norbury, C.F., et al. The impact of nonverbal ability on prevalence and clinical presentation of language disorder: evidence from a population study. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry. 2016;57(11):p. 1247-1257.
    27. Law, J. and P. Levickis. Early language development must be a public health priority. Journal of Health Visiting. 2018;6(12):p. 586-589.
    28. Hayiou-Thomas, M.E., et al. When does speech sound disorder matter for literacy? The role of disordered speech errors, co-occurring language impairment and family risk of dyslexia. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2017;58 (2):p. 197-205.
    29. Rescorla, L., G.S. Ross, and S. McClure. Language Delay and Behavioral/Emotional Problems in Toddlers: Findings From Two Developmental Clinics.. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 2007;50(4):p. 1063-78.
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    32. Botting, N., et a. Emotional health, support, and self-efficacy in young adults with a history of language impairment. British journal of developmental psychology. 2016;34 (4):p.538-554.
    33. McKean, C., et al.. Subgroups in language trajectories from 4 to 11 years: the nature and predictors of stable, improving and decreasing language trajectory groups. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2017;58(10):p. 1081-1091.
    34. Conti‐Ramsden, G., et al. Education and employment outcomes of young adults with a history of developmental language disorder. International journal of language & communication disorders. 2018;53(2):p. 237-255.
    35. Tomblin, J.B., E. Smith, and X. Zhang. Epidemiology of specific language impairment: prenatal and perinatal risk factors. J Commun Disord. 1997;30(4):p. 325-43; quiz 343-4.
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    37. Madigan, S., et al. Parenting Behavior and Child Language: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2019;144(4):
    38. Hirsh-Pasek, K., Adamson, L. B., Bakeman, R., Owen, M. T., Golinkoff, R. M., Pace, A., Yust, P. K., & Suma, K. The Contribution of Early Communication Quality to Low-Income Children's Language Succes. Psychol Sci. 2015; 26(7):p. 1071-83.
    39. Vernon-Feagans, L. and M.E. Bratsch-Hines. Caregiver-Child Verbal Interactions in Child Care: A Buffer against Poor Language Outcomes when Maternal Language Input is Less. Early Child Res Q. 2013;28(4):p. 858-873.
    40. Berry, D., et al.. Household Chaos and Children's Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Development in Early Childhood: Does Childcare Play a Buffering Role. Early Child Res Q. 2016;34:P.115-127.
    41. Reilly, S. and C. McKean. Creating the conditions for robust early language development for all-Part 1: Evidence-informed child language surveillance in the early years. International journal of language & communication disorders. 2023;
    42. Eadie, P., et al. Developing Preschool Language Surveillance Models - Cumulative and Clustering Patterns of Early Life Factors in the Early Language in Victoria Study Cohor. Front Pediatr. 2022;10:p. 826817.
    43. Kalnak, N., et al. Family history, clinical marker and reading skills in children with specific language impairment.
    44. Kalnak, N., et al. Family history interview of a broad phenotype in specific language impairment and matched controls. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 2012;11(8): p. 921.
    45. Mountford, H.S., et al. The Genetic and Molecular Basis of Developmental Language Disorder: A Review. Children. 2022;9(5):p.586.
    46. Di Sante, M. and L. Potvin. We Need to Talk About Social Inequalities in Language Development. American journal of speech-language pathology. 2022;31(4):p.1-1897.
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