• Du har valt: Gotland

Referenser - amningsobservation och amningsstatus

  1. Odom E C, Li R, Scanlon K S, Perrine C G, Grummer-Strawn L. Reasons for earlier than desired cessation of breastfeeding. Pediatrics. 2013; 131(3), e726-732.
  2. Ekstrom A. C & Thorstensson S. Nurses and midwives professional support increases with improved attitudes - design and effects of a longitudinal randomized controlled process-oriented intervention. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2015; 15, 275
  3. Ingram J, Johnson D, Copeland M, Churchill C, Taylor H. The development of a new breast feeding assessment tool and the relationship with breast feeding self-efficacy. Midwifery. 2015 31(1), 132-137.
  4. Matilda Möller Ranch, Sofia Jämtèn, Stina Thorstensson och Anette C. Ekström-Bergström. First time mothers have a desire to be offered professional breastfeeding support by pediatric nurses: an evaluation of the mother perceived professional support scale. Nursing research and practis. 2019
  5. Kurth, E., Krahenbuhl, K., Eicher, M., Rodmann, S., Folmli, L., Conzelmann, C., & Zemp, E. Safe start at home: what parents of newborns need after early discharge from hospital - a focus group study. BMC Health Serv Res,2016 16, 82.
  6. Bearbetning av "BREAST-Feeding Observation Form" av H.C Armstrong, Training Guide in lactation Management, New York, IBFAN /UNICEF 1992
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