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Referenser - bemötande vid amningsvägledning

  1. Dahlén L. Amning i nöd och lust – Skapa bra förutsättningar för amning och bli din egen amningsrådgivare. Dardedze, Lettland: Roosbocker.se; 2018.
  2. Laanterä S, Pölkki T, Pietilä AM. A descriptive qualitative review of the barriers relating to breast-feeding counselling. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2011;17(1): 72-84. doi:10.1111/j.1440-172X.2010.01909.
  3. Pentecost R, Grassley J. Adolescents’ Needs for Nurses’ Support When Initiating Breastfeeding. Journal of Human Lactation. 2014;30(2):224-228.
  4. Brown A, Davies R. Fathers experiences of supporting breastfeeding: Challenges for breastfeeding promotion and education. Maternal & Child Nutrition. 2014;10(4):510– 526. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12129
  5. Tohotoa J, Maycock B, Hauck Y, Howat P, Burns S, Binns C. Dads make a difference: an exploratory study of paternal support for breastfeeding in Perth, Western Australia. International Breastfeeding Journal. 2009;4(15). doi.org/10.1186/1746-4358-4-15
  6. Sherriff J, Hall V, Panton C. Engaging and supporting fathers to promote breastfeeding: A concept analysis. Midwifery. 2014;30(6):667–677. doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2013.07.014
  7. Sihota H, Oliffe J, Kelly MT, McCuaig F. Fathers experiences and perspectives of breastfeeding: A scoping review. American journal of men’s health.2019;13(3):1–12. doi: 10.1177/1557988319851616
  8. McFadden A, Gavine A, Renfrew MJ, Wade A, Buchanan P, Taylor JL, et al.  2017) Support for healthy breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies.
  9. World health organization. Ten steps to successful breastfeeding. [Internet]. World Health Organization; 2020. Hämtad från: https://www.who.int/activities/promoting-baby-friendly-hospitals/ten-steps-to-successful-breastfeeding
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