• Du har valt: Gotland

Referenser - Blanda bröstmjölksersättning

  1. Livsmedelsverket. Bra mat för barn 0-5 år - handledning för barnhälsovården. Livsmedelsverket; 2020.
  2. Jessica Appleton, Catherine Georgina Russell, Rachel Laws, Cathrine Fowler , Karen Campbell, Elizabeth Denney-Wilson. Infant formula feeding practices associated with rapid weight gain: A systematic review Matern Child Nutr. 2018 Jul;14(3):e12602. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12602. Epub 2018 Apr 14.
  3. Linda A. Gilmore, Abby D. Altazan, Emily W. Flanagan, Alexandra G. Beyer, Kelsey N. Olson, Alexis A. O’Connell, Timothy H. Nguyen, Robbie A. Beyl, and Leanne M. Redman. Modifications to Infant Formula Instructions Improve the Accuracy of Formula Dispen.
  4. World Health Organization. Safe preparation, storage and handling of powdered infant formula: guidelines. World Health Organization; 2007. Available from: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241594335. Accessed 22 Sept 2022.
  5. Using a baby formula prep machine. NHS website. Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/start-for-life/baby/feeding-your-baby/bottle-feeding/how-to-make-up-a-feed/#using-a-baby-formula-prep-machine. Accessed 7 Nov 2024.
  6. Automatic Powdered Infant Formula Preparation Machines - Be aware! Brunswick Canada - Automatic Powdered Infant Formula Preparation Machines. Accessed 241127.
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