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Referenser - stödjande samtal till nedstämda, nyblivna mammor

  1. Socialstyrelsen. Nationella riktlinjer för vård vid depression och ångestsyndrom - stöd för styrning och ledning. 2010.
  2. Ross L, Gilbert Evans S, Sellers E M, Romach M K. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2003; 6: 51-57.
  3. Wickberg B, Hwang P. Post Partum Depression – nedstämdhet och depression i samband med barnafödande. Statens folkhälsoinstitut; 2003.
  4. Röseth I. The essential meaning structure of postpartum depression. A qualitative study, Universitetet i Oslo, 2013, Oslo
  5. Rogers  C. On becoming a person. Constable, 2004, London
  6. Rogers  CR. Client-centered Therapy: Its current practices, implications and theory. Constable, 1990, London.
  7. Rowe,D. Depression, the way out of prison. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983, London
  8. Solstad-Olavesen E, Haug A, Lindberg A, Wickberg B. Edinburgh-metoden. Personsentrerte stöttesamtaler ved nedstemthet og depressive symptomer i perinatalperioden - En introduktion for helsepersonel. Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse, Helseregion Öst og Sör (RBUP), 2017, Oslo
  9. Holden J, Sagovsky R, Cox J. Counselling in a general practice setting: a controlled study of health visitor intervention in the treatment of postnatal depression. BMJ. 1989;298:223-226.
  10. Wickberg B, Hwang CP. Counselling of postnatal depression: a controlled study on a population based Swedish sample. Journal of Affective Disorders 1996; 39:209-216.
  11. Morell J, Slade P, Warner R, Paley G et al.. Clinical effectiveness of health visitor training in psychologically informed approaches for depression in postnatal women: pragmatic cluster randomised trial in primary care.. BMJ 2009; (Clinical research ed) 338:a3045.;
  12. Morrell, C. J., Ricketts, T., Tudor, K., Williams, C. J., Curran, J., & Barkham, M.  Training health visitors in cognitive behavioural and person-centred approaches for depression in postnatal women as part of a cluster randomised trial and economic evaluation in primary care: the PoNDER trail. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 2011; 12, 11-20.
  13. Henderson C, Dixon S, Bauer A, Knapp M, Jane Morrell C, Slade P, Walters SJ, Brugha T. Cost-effectiveness of PoNDER health visitor training for mothers at lower risk of depression: findings on prevention of postnatal depression from a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine. 2018; 49, 1324–1334. https:// doi.org/10.1017/S0033291718001940
  14. McCabe JE, Wickberg B, Deberg J, Davila RC, Segre LS. (2021). Listening Visits for maternal depression: a meta-analysis Archives of Women's Mental Health 
  15. Lowenhoff C., Davison-Fisher J., Pike N., Appleton J. Using the TIDieR checklist to describe health visitor support for mothers with mental health problems: Analysis of a cross‐sectional survey  Health Soc Care Community. 2019; 00:1–13.
  16. Dennis C-L & Chung-Lee L. Postpartum depression help-seeking barriers and maternal treatment preferences: A qualitative systematic review. Birth. 2006; 33(4), 323-331.
  17. Segre LS, O'Hara MW, Arndt S, Beck CT. Screening and counseling for postpartum depression by nurses: The women's views. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing 2010; 35: 280-5.
  18. Turner KM, Chew-Graham C, Folkes L, Sharp D. Women's experiences of health visitor delivered listening visits as a treatment for postnatal depression: a qualitative study. Patient Educ Couns. 2010;  Feb;78(2):234-9
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